ADHD Testing
Comprehensive ADHD Assessment
Most ADHD assessments for children are screeners that parents and teachers complete based on their experience with a child. The IVA-2 is a compressive assessment that allows for a more accurate understanding of cognitive functioning, going beyond subjective observations & self-reported symptoms. This takes place in one appointment. Assessment & testing report included for $300.
Why do it?
The data gathered in the assessment helps you advocate to tailor your students educational needs to who they are and how they experience the world. It will help you parent them better. If your child needs written reminders to do things but you always verbally tell them their list of things to do. There is going to be a struggle. We don’t want that for you! We want you to have the tools needed to make your household a calm and productive environment for your whole family!
How do I get this started?
We can administer the test remotely or in person! Give us a call/text at 817-961-1553